Stella G – Buenos Aires

I want a License of Tamara Di Tella Tangolates. My choice is based on her reputation and career. For where I live is full of small shops with beds of  Studio Pilates, I tried a couple of them but I found useful.
I think that probably kept Tamara Di Tella Method quality since they were the first. I wonder if I can participate in the classic pilates classes. I’d also like to try the Tangolates they told me is very good and most complete because it adds the aerobic part is always so good for a more complete muscular work. I really love the mind-body pilates providing classic, but sometimes I feel like I’m missing the cardiovascular and so I walk very morning. So I like the Tangolates because it combines the two, mind – body and aerobic – Please answer me this email if giving me the hours and fees, I appreciate it. Thank you!