Mike k. – Washington, DC, United States
I first learned of the method created by Tamara di Tella, Tango Pilates, in April 2010 when I was planning a trip to Buenos Aires. As a Pilates-based physical therapist in the US, I was interested in learning how Pilates had evolved in rehabilitation and fitness in other countries. I scheduled sessions with Tamara and her staff and upon meeting them I knew I was in for something very special. With a dancer background I immediately saw the benefits of combining the principles of Pilates and the Tango – if posture, balance and core control are not the fundamental skills brought to both forms of movement, Tamara’s exercises cannot be performed correctly.
Second, as a physical therapist, the concept of using partners to perform the exercises is brilliant. The sensory information the body receives by working in coordination with another’s movements improves body awareness, movement patterns and challenges ones balance far beyond what they can do on their own. The one-on-one training and personal hands on instruction that comes with the method is pivotal to my patients as they recover quicker and gain a higher sense of understanding for long-term benefits. I feel fortunate to bring Tango Pilates to Washington, DC where I apply the method to physical therapy and fitness.