• Gabriel M – Buenos Aires

    I chose Tamara Di Tella because Tamara Di Tella is Pilates.

    I like to mix dancing with gymnastics and so I thought of Tamara Di Tella Tangolates too.

    To tell you the truth, I think that uniting these two disciplines – music with Pilates – is a good idea to close the gap between aerobic exercise and mind-body exercise.

    I believe that all innovation and creativity is always positive.

    An update to the classic Pilates was what we were in need of.

    I would love to get certified in the Training School of Tamara Di Tella.

    Thank you.

  • Agustina U – Buenos Aires

    I love Tamara Di Tella Pilates method, it seems very interesting to work with patients, how to adapt exercises to enable coordination and circulation. I expect good results with the method of Tamara Di Tella Pilates, I am grateful for everything, and the possibility of Tamara Di Tella study and practice with patients in the hospital, after all, do not forget that this technique was born to the rehabilitation and I think the only one that respects the origins and true to the essence is the Training School Tamara Di Tella Pilates.

  • Carolina G – Buenos Aires

    I have long heard good comments about Tamara Di Tella School of Training Pilates. With her background and seriousness I feel that I will get the best certification possible. Now I am aware that there is also a new method created by Tamara Di Tella called Tangolates. I would love to train in Pilates and Tangolates. Eventually I’d like to acquire the franchise as well. The brand Tamara Di Tella Pilates pioneered and inspires. It gives me confidence.

  • Alberto L – Buenos Aires

    Because Tamara Di Tella is synonymous of good quality. She has the highest credentials possible and to obtain a certification from the Tamara Di Tella school of training is a great asset and a sure job afterwards. My Tangolates is just strating beceuse I took only one class but for what I can see,  it is not ony fun but also an excellent addition to classic pilates because it adds to pilates an extra aerobic part. If I had the opportunity to be accepted to the Tamara Di Tella School I would be very happy and work very hard and I know I will not disappoint you.

  • Bianca A – Buenos Aires

    I have long heard good comments about Tamara Di Tella School of Training Pilates With her background and seriousness I feel that I will get the best certification possible.  Now I am aware that there is also a new method created by Tamara Di Tella called Tangolates. I would love to train in Pilates and Tangolates. Eventually I’d like to acquire the franchise as well. The brand Tamara Di Tella Pilates pioneered and inspires. It gives me confidence.

    Thank you.