Francisco G – Bogota, Colombia

I choose the Franchise of Tamara Di Tella Tangolates and Pilates for recommendation. For the quality and updating of the information provided by you. Because you are the best known. Because I have understood that Tamara Di Tella is the first  and pioneer in Pilates in the Spanish speaking world. Also because I can perform practitices with patients in hospital. I chose you for the seriousness of the brand Tamara Di Tella. For her career. Because I saw her Studios in Bogota and Cali, Colombia. Because I want to learn the new Method Tangolates. For  the International Certification. Because in Argentina you are the best. For all these reasons, which are many, I prefer the Training School of Tamara Di Tella to become certified in Pilates. Thanks and I hope the information, greetings from Bogota, Colombia, Francisco.